MetaTrader 4 (MT4) Tiered Margin
Similar to Trading Station II accounts, MetaTrader 4 (MT4) accounts are defaulted to a tiered margin system. MT4 accounts do not use the Smart Margin system, but use a different version of MnT AI Financial Investment's tiered margin and margin call procedures. The MT4 Tiered Margin system is designed to allow clients more time in which to manage their positions before the automatic liquidation of those positions occurs. Clients are able to see real-time updates of their margin status on the MT4 platform.
The MT4 platform does not allow MnT AI Financial Investment to include commissions in pre-trade margin calculations on client's pending orders. This means that if you place a trade with a small amount of available usable margin under the MT4 account, there is a risk that the execution of the orders could trigger immediate margin call right after the execution as the commission charges can result in insufficient margin to maintain your open positions. You should therefore ensure that you have reserved sufficient buffer usable margin before opening new trades.
The MT4 Tiered Margin system consists of two components:
Entry / Maintenance Margin – The initial good faith deposit or collateral set aside to open and then maintain a position. The exact amount of margin required to open a position can be viewed in the "MMR" column under the "Simple Dealing Rates" tab on the Trading Station platform prior to execution or by viewing the label "Margin" under the "Trade" tab in the MT4 platform.
Liquidation Margin (Minimum Required Margin) – The minimum amount of equity that must be in the account in order to continue holding the current open positions on the account. This is set at 50% of the value of the Maintenance Margin and automatic liquidation will trigger when the "Margin Level" label under the "Trade" tab in the MT4 platform reads "50%" or below.